Provided by Emerald Khan

Jovan Lamont Injema Khan was born to his mother on September 18th 2006 in Washington DC. 

Provided by Emerald Khan

Jovan began his early education in the local Montessori School Network in Dallas, Texas  continuing on his lower school educational Journey at First Baptist Dallas. Jovan transitioned to upper school in the STEM Charter School system of Harmony Science Academy & later transitioning to the Harmony School of Innovation. He was loved by his teachers & fellow classmates. Jovan was set for college readiness where his interests were focused on Majoring in Bio-Sciences with a focus on either Bio-Engineering or Bio-Chemistry. His love for science has existed since he was a young child & with a solid village of family & mentorship surrounding him he had become a great young scientist. 

Provided by Emerald Khan
 Provided by Emerald Khan

Jovan was a high achiever starting golf at 8, 3-D printing at 10, beginning his path to coding in the multiverse and using programs such as python at 11, earning his 3rd degree at the black black belt level at 13, sat as an official city council member at 15, piloted a plane at 16. At 17 Jovan was looking forward to his upcoming college immersive experience at Huston Tillotson a Texas HBCU near Austin and looking forward to graduating in the class of 2024 at Harmony School of innovation. 

Jovan’s personality will be remembered as always inquisitive, full of joy & forever remembered by all of Gods creatures that he encountered through this life. 

Jovan’s legacy of Integrity, having a Kind & Strong Character will continue through the village of his mother Emerald Khan, his Grandparents, Ericilda & Keith Coleman, Injema & Tammy Khan, great grandparents, many aunts, uncles, cousins, mentors, teachers, friends & extended family & the vast network of people who have interacted with him. 

May Jovan’s legacy live on forever.